

Scoliosis is an abnormal lateral curvature of the spine that is most often diagnosed in childhood or early adolescence, but it is present also in adults.
The non-surgical foundation of scoliosis treatment is using scoliosis-specific exercise based on curve-pattern. Each patient with scoliosis has a unique curve pattern and the goal of our team is to deflex and derotate the trunk improving the patient’s posture.

The scoliosis treatment includes corrective breathing, stretching, exercises to target core and trunk in specific set-ups according to curve pattern, exercises for muscular symmetry, auto-training and awareness of body position. The treatment also places emphasis on the conscious correction of posture during day-to-day life.
The final purpose is to create spinal balance and stability.

Our team instructs patients of all ages through an Evidence- Based method. The Physical Therapy program is on a one-on-one basis in order to achieve the best result possible for the patient.

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