Continuous and systematic monitoring, collection, analysis, interpretation, and dissemination of injury data provide critical information supporting public health and enable the reduction of morbidity and disability related to injuries.
Young people have very high rates of sports participation, but sports are also the leading cause of injuries in adolescents. Therefore, interventions aimed at reducing sports injuries through the promotion of physical activity are crucial and have a significant impact on quality of life.
As demonstrated in numerous scientific studies, neuromuscular injury prevention programs reduce the risk of injury. These programs consist of exercises aimed at improving balance, strength, and agility (coordination, cutting forces, and landing techniques). At Sports Rehab, we test our patients and athletes and then create sport-specific injury prevention programs tailored to the results of strength, endurance, balance, and motor control tests.
Our team uses an evidence-based approach utilizing shared injury prevention programs such as Sportsmetrics™, one of the most effective ACL injury prevention programs ever developed. We are one of the few Sportsmetrics clinical sites in Europe with therapists/instructors who obtained their certification in the United States.
Developed by Dr. Frank Noyes and a team of athletic trainers, physical therapists, and researchers, Sportsmetrics™ consists of a comprehensive plan of tests and injury prevention programs used to teach athletes to pre-position their entire body safely during jumps and landings. Knee control video analysis is used pre- and post-program to evaluate progress and objectify outcomes and results.
This program is planned and implemented during the pre-season and continues throughout the regular season. The prevention/training programs incorporate multiple components, such as proximal control exercises, a combination of strength exercises, and plyometric exercises to achieve performance improvement. This program has been shown to reduce medical costs and procedures.