Physical therapist, MS Manual Therapy & MSK PT, specialized in Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation
Martina was born in Milan in 1995.
At the end of high school, she obtained a linguistic diploma which now empowers her to speak in English, Spanish, and French.
Her interest in the medical field led her to undertake a 4-years lasting BSc in Physical Therapy at the University in Lugano (Switzerland).
For her first work experience, she moved to Martigny (Canton of Valais) where she worked in a physical therapy clinic having the opportunity to deepen and improve her medical & and therapeutic knowledge in the French language.
At the same time, she attended a University Master in Manual Therapy & MKS Physical Therapy (ECU University & GSTM) graduating in 2021.
Subsequently, she returned to Canton Ticino to work within the Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale (EOC) where she approached the rehabilitation of pelvic floor dysfunctions closely collaborating with specialist doctors.
Martina's strong interest in uro-perineal disorders led her to certify as a Perineal Rehabilitation Specialist in Milan, Italy in 2022 and to obtain the Rehabilitation and Women's Health CAS at the SUPSI University in Lugano (Switzerland) in 2023.
With her presentation “Physical therapy approach in the treatment of pelvic disorders in women” she was a speaker at the REHA TICINO 2023 Symposium which dealt with the importance of an interdisciplinary approach in taking charge of pelvic-perineal dysfunctions.
Her determination and desire for continuous growth and innovation led her to realize her long-held dream, launching the “I AM Pelvic Rehab” project, and starting the collaboration with Sports Rehab with the aim to offer a tailored and specialized rehabilitation service for the broad field of the pelvic floor dysfunctions.
Martina is a sunny person who never fails to smile. In her free time, she dedicates herself to ambulance volunteering in the Como area.
She loves waking up early in the morning to practice High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) to get her day off to a great start. During the summer months, she enjoys water skiing on the lake.
The best is yet to come